
**The Story Behind the Birth of “OCEAN JEWELRY”**
(Full translation on bottom half of page)

今日はThe one OCEAN JEWELRYという存在そのものを作るキッカケとなったお話です。













その時、自分が作りたいのはまさにこの海バージョン「OCEAN JEWELRY」という新たな形だと、稲妻が走りました。




Stay Ocean. Stay Gold.

The one OCEAN JEWELRYのコンセプトです。



それは「海を感じる」事がプラスに働き、結果的にStay Goldな人生に繋がるからかもしれません。

また、Stay Goldというのは「自分に正直でいる」という意味も含んでいます。






結局は「自分に正直でいる」事(Stay Gold)が後悔をせず明るい未来に繋がる唯一の正解なのだと思います。

「Stay Ocean. Stay Gold.」はこのような考えを独自の造語にしたフレーズです。

「海をカタチにする」ことがThe one OCEAN JEWELRYの使命です。



**The Story Behind the Birth of “Ocean Jewelry”**

Today, I’d like to share the story that sparked the creation of The one OCEAN JEWELRY.

**“It’s Just Not My Type”**

I remember a conversation I had with someone I met once—a sophisticated surfer in his late 40s living in Shonan, a beach town in Japan.

As we started talking about work, he mentioned that he was familiar with the Hawaiian jewelry I used to primarily engrave (in fact, he had worn it in the past). Curious, I asked, “At your age, how do you feel about Hawaiian jewelry?” He replied, “These days, it’s just not my type.” When I pressed further, asking what type he preferred, he said, “I actually quite like Native American jewelry (the so-called ‘Native’ style). I even own a few pieces.”

**A Determined Resolution**

There’s an undeniable fact: traditionally, Hawaiian jewelry has overwhelmingly appealed to women. Moreover, having started my career crafting Native American jewelry, I felt I already understood its charm well enough and never really favored one style over the other. Thus, I hadn’t given it too much thought.

However, as I ventured into the world of Hawaiian jewelry to expand my creative expression, I began to appreciate that it possessed many charms akin to those of Native American jewelry. It was then that I experienced a complex, almost melancholic feeling when I realized that “An Ocean lover isn’t choosing the sea.”

That was the moment I resolved to pursue a new option for those who truly love the ocean.


Both Hawaiian and Native American jewelry have established public images—preconceived notions—that made me feel aligning strictly with either style would always feel a bit off. Yet, I still wanted to incorporate the beautiful essence of meaningful motifs and the tradition of hand-engraving found in Hawaiian jewelry, as well as the distinctive gold and silver craftsmanship of Native American jewelry.

When the concept and overall vibe were still in a vague stage, the phrase “Native style” flashed through my mind once again. This term, often used to describe Native American-related fashion and items in Japan (with traditional Native adornments, or “Indian jewelry,” sometimes being called “Native-style jewelry/accessories”), made it clear: what I wanted to create was exactly this—an Ocean version, a brand-new form that I would call “OCEAN JEWELRY.”

Previously, I had chosen to use a special “Hawaiian jewelry engraving” technique—rather than conventional precious metal engraving—simply because of my love for the ocean. I hadn’t considered any deeper reason at the time. Yet, I now vividly remember that this choice also served the purpose of crafting this “new form.” It all suddenly made sense.

I wanted to create pieces that, at a glance, evoke the image of “ocean-style jewelry,” inspired by both Hawaiian and Native American designs.

After countless prototypes and rounds of original design brainstorming, the direction of the brand became clear: to pursue a unique form of “OCEAN JEWELRY” that is neither Hawaiian nor Native American, but something entirely new for those who love the ocean. Over time, it evolved into what it is today.

**Stay Ocean. Stay Gold.**

This is the concept of The one OCEAN JEWELRY.

The ocean is mysterious.
Even though there’s nothing there, somehow everyone falls in love with it.
Perhaps the act of “feeling the ocean” works in our favor, ultimately leading to a “Stay Gold” life.

“Stay Gold” also means being true to yourself.
For example, in our case, it means deliberately “not following precedent.”
Simply put, it’s about believing in yourself rather than confining yourself to the labels of “Hawaiian jewelry” or “Native-style jewelry.”

In business, it’s all about the basic principle of “supply meeting demand.” Without recognition, there’s no demand.
Without demand, we can’t offer value and receive compensation in return, which in turn jeopardizes the sustainability of our operations.
Even if we aspire to create something new, without an environment that supports its continuation, it won’t be possible.
In that sense, positioning oneself in an already recognized genre is both natural and a wise form of risk management.

Yet, as a creator, the desire to “bring forth something new” is always with me, and this inevitably creates a constant internal conflict.

So, what is the right answer?
Ultimately, I believe that being true to oneself—“Stay Gold”—is the only way to ensure a bright future without regrets.

“Stay Ocean. Stay Gold.” is a phrase we coined to encapsulate this very philosophy.

Ocean Jewelry is a new option for those who love the ocean—a way to always stay close and to feel the ocean.
It is The one OCEAN JEWELRY’s mission to give shape to the ocean.

This may have turned out to be quite a lengthy explanation, but that is the story behind the birth of Ocean Jewelry.

There are still many items in the works, and while production continues step by step without pause, I’d be delighted if you’d drop by again whenever you feel like it!